• High Performance (HP) Tanking Primer (VISPRIMER) - GH Supplies, No.1 in Kent, London and the South East

High Performance (HP) Tanking Primer

A black, elastomeric bituminous priming solution designed to prepare surfaces prior to the application of Visqueen self-adhesive and torch applied damp proof and tanking membranes. Visqueen HP Tanking Primer is designed to perform in cold weather conditions and is effective in sub-zero temperatures as low as -4°C. Quick and easy to apply.

Size: 5 Litres

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High Performance (HP) Tanking Primer (VISPRIMER)

  • Brand: Visqueen
  • Product Code:VISPRIMER

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Tags: high, performance, (hp), tanking, primer, system, components, visprimer, visqueen